Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Minidnd Ruleset

Oh look, another dnd clone. That's original.
Anyways, here's the rules I use. It'll be much easier to post stuff after this.

Character Creation
Roll 3+2d6 three times and write the numbers down. This will give you a range of 5-15 and an average of 10.
Then assign the numbers to which stats you want, or randomly assign them.
The Stats are...

Dexterity: Abbreviated as Dex. This is for agility and manual dexterity. Slight of hand and dodging thrown hammers. Also shooting people.
Physique: Abbreviated as Pys. This is for physical strength and fortitude. Resisting poison and breaking down doors. Also swinging things really hard.
Savvy: Abbreviated as Sav. Social and practical skill. Charming and keeping order and enforcing your will socially. Also used to keep you sane.

Modifiers are the stat-10. So modifiers range from -5 to +5. Cool.

Next roll a 1d8. This is your HP. Your HD (hit dice, amount of dice you roll for hp) starts at 1.
After that roll a 1d6. This is how many copper pennies you have. This game runs on a copper standard. (10 cp =1 sp. 100 sp= 1 gp) So if you wanna run a different standard just replace all instances of "cp" with "gp" or whatever your standard currency is.
You also have AC, Armor Class. This is a base of 10+ dex modifier. This can be changed by armor and weird stuff though.
Other abilities at a case-by-case basis or in optional rules.
You get a weapon that deals 1d8 damage, a couple changes of clothes, rations for a week, 50 feet of rope, and a bedroll (to begin with).

Doing Things
Like any other rpg, you can do stuff anyone can do for free (except it takes up time, and maybe patience of other players).
Things that are difficult require a roll at target number or above. (sometimes its a "contest", in which you roll against an opposing force and have to beat them to achieve an affect).
Target numbers are...
5: Something easy, but still carries a not-insignificant chance of failure.
10: Somewhat difficult. 50/50 chance of failure for average human.
15: Difficult. Carries a major chance of failure.
20: Extremely Difficult. Almost impossible to do for average human.
25: Almost Impossible. Even trained professionals will nearly always fail at this.
Higher?: Downright Superhuman. Anything beyond that.

Roll a dexterity contest against the enemy when you engage directly with them.
Then roll a physique or dexterity check against the enemies armor class.
If you succeed roll for damage.
Then they take their turn.
Things not happening that directly involve others happen simultaneously.
Damage comes off your Hp. Excess damage is taken to your Pys typically.
Each time you take damage in excess of your hp you make a pys check, the target number being the opponents attack roll, in order to avoid getting knocked out and start dying.
If you are dying you will die in an hour unless you get medical attention.
At pys 0 you die outright.
At dex 0 (damage done through shocks/paralyzing things) you can't move.
At sav 0 you snap temporarily and roll 1d3. 1: Freeze. 2: Flee. 3: attack anyone in the area.
Damage types will be described in the optional rules post.
Hp damage heals after combat. Other damage takes a week to restore (or less, if using some optional rules).

Magic? Other things?
Those will come in a later post. "Optional Rules." These are just the framework. The skeleton if you will. The meat will come soon.

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